

 Who'll save him from being a man?

I like that street cause I can feel the leaves from the bushes on the curb. Just like when I was a boy, I run one of my hands all over them as I walk. Mind you, I was not as high as I am now on weed. I was high on life, though. Fearful like a squirrel in between of all those people. I'm still afraid, but for different reasons all together. Life seemed, well, larger than my known world. Today I fear how much I got left and how fast I keep living. Igniting myself at the slightest provocation. Seemingly attempting to intoxicate my surroundings and eventually burn out. It is not myself if I am not ablaze, I reckon. Out of control day in, day out. Spewing existential threads of thought.

This is why I want to test if someone can slow me down. I am running out of fuel. I can see the goal right ahead, but nothing is holding me by the hand. All I grab gets pulled with me and starts combusting rapidly. If it won't burn, I won't be working. My relationships, my family, my sex, my addictions, this text...

I am drunk in emotion, seeing how the roof above and walls around begin to crumble. Existence is a blur, everyone's shouts chirping in the distance. If I were only to trip, topple and stop to feel the sun. If it were the rays bathing, the insects walking on me, the grass and herbs dancing to the beat of my swollen heart. I could hear the waves calling me home deafeningly, asking me to ride on a white horse. Kidnapping for me to drown in the horizon.


La La

 Te soñé entre luciérnagas una noche de verano. Menguante luna, cómplice silencio. Rasgando mis ropas, encontrando mi sexo. Ardiente unísono. Te soñé leyendo al pie de un árbol. Borges, taoísmo, una biografía de Nabokov, qué sé yo... Radiante al sol. Con las hojas de pasto atropellándose unas a las otras por alcanzar los dedos de tus pies. Absorta en soledad.

Mi nombre me fue dado así un día pudieras susurrarlo en mi oído. Porque la cascada de momentos que ha sido esta vida cobra sentido cuando tú me descubres cualquier día de verano. Soy porque soy porque soy contigo. Sin alegorías exageradas o aliteraciones flojas. Soy como soy cuando soy contigo. Buscando alcanzarte aunque no corras.

Quiero rozar tus pechos con el viento. Besarte con temor. Morderte en demasía. Aunarte con el cielo. Probarte ciegamente y amarte con hartazgo. Existir incompletamente y atarme a ti.

Soñé luciérnagas una noche de verano. Iluminando mi rostro. Reflejándose en la oscuridad infinitamente.


A merced del viento.

Pastos susurrantes.

Tú y yo descalzos.

A walk nowhere

 Hit me. Hit me hard. As fast as you might. I won't mind how hard. Be the one you want. And hit me hard. I'm iron. Cold and clad. Drive me far. And let me to rot. I'll find my way. Back to you perhaps. So you make your choice. Will you rip me naked? Leaving marks across. Wear my hide as you please. And haunt me for sport. Dry me, dry me, dry me. And hit me hard as you might. Words are overrated. You can keep your eyes closed. I can be gentle. Or I can start to roar. You should only sigh. Or should too begin to roar. I am only an animal. In heat and despair. Hit me, hit me hard. Be the one you want. I'll find back my way. Running, running after you. Going for the neck.

And I want you.

Every night right in my bed.

Legs open.

Waiting for me to start the commotion.



 If you touch me

Well, I just think I'll scream

It had been 10 months since the last event.

It had been 12 years since I felt this way. So defeated. At someone's mercy. Yearning. Yearning. Full of ups and downs.

I aim at exploding inside you. Atomically. Anatomically.

Your touch is remedy. For this distemper. If I were to run to you. Naked. Careless. Throbbing like a star.

Pulsating at 200 beats per minute. Smelling you in my clothes.

I want you. Fuck, do I want you. Supernova me in your eyes. I am all no one ever was, can you see that?

It had been 12 years since I last felt like a soul. Weightless. Levitating. Grab me by the leg before I float astray. Cause what I need I get simply staying right by you.

I'll mouth Whitman in your ear. I'll run myself over your skin. And we'll be one if only for a moment. The universe a simple blur.

I will make you breakfast and hum you a song. The one you choose. And nothing else will matter. If only for a moment.

You'll go home and I will too. So you can miss me and want to do this over and over.

It had been 12 years since I last crawled. Do me. Do me. Do me. To the beat of any song.

Grab me by the head. Pull me ever closer. Have me be a one. The one. The one that's next to you while the world collapses.


 It is hard for me to stop believing I know better...

It is easy for me to lie and tell myself that I don't...


 The alarm from the phone went off. "Is this love. Feeling blasted. In such a way. A-blasting, a-blasting. My heart in shreds..." I had three cigarettes for supper last night. How did I not expect to feel hot and have nightmares... Bad habits of old. "I've been waiting, I've been waiting!" The silliest thoughts crossed my mind. Not even the cold air from the fan and a long-ass podcast helped. "I don't think I'm even interested no more" And here I go again. Smoke forming clouds of rain. Cold sandwiches laying on the table. I should have bought an extra bottle of wine for this type of occasion, right? Who cares what I have for breakfast... My mum, for that matter. It is a workday, but mints would do. ”I burst in flames when I'm far away. Looking for signs of love" I don't want to shower either, but sleeping in that warm quilt gave me a stink for sure. Fuck the gym and its friendly faces. "How are you this morning? Don't you feel rested and shiny on this blessed day?" I masturbate and reach an orgasm, but it is empty. Who says you can't smoke in the shower? I turn up the music and dance. All I can do is dance. The weather is cold, but I put on bermuda shorts and a tee. The receptionist will ask me if I am alright, if I'm not cold for sure. That is all I need, superfluous interest from anyone. I'm not supposed to eat on the train, but I nibble on one of the sandwiches once in a while. I feel alive, savvy, but at what cost. No song would distract me. If I open my eyes, if I look out the window, I cannot avoid shivering. If I close them, all I can hear is the last noises you made, still for me to hear on my phone. "Don't you get me wrong, don't you get me wrong now..." If there is no rain this afternoon, I can go to the park near my office and take a bench to nap. I do not feel broken, which is worse. I very well knew what was to happen. Yet... "You took the world by surprise, and set it all on fire" I'm such a prodigy at this job I can do it on automatic. 'Yeah, sure, let me take a look!' 'No worries. You should see the changes now.' Time is child's play when you are in pain. My boss greets me and says I should be ready to rock after a well-deserved rest. He has no idea. I'm not into the habit of sharing, so I nod and smile. I don't believe he can tell a sad smile from a good one. When I feel this numb and shitty, I find relief in going to bed and dreaming, wishing for time to zoom by, hoping for these thoughts to eventually wash away. I am so terrified it won't work tonight. This cheap white wine I bought on my way home will do. It won't be be as strong as to make me drunk and want to puke, but will suffice to alleviate it all. I don't even change into my sleeping clothes. I play Debussy and set the fan to 5. I lay down and pray for sleep and dreams I've never had. I pray for your warmth.


Cherry Blossoms on Oaken Street

If I could only travel over there and be one with you.

The Wave (I)

Humans are the worst travel companions. Travel is supposed to be a pleasure. Yes, there are sometimes trips for work, for grievous matters, the kind you cannot really avoid. However, breathing a different kind of air even from the city down the road is refreshing. But humans... All that anxiety from being unable to shut the hell up for just one second makes them incapable of simply letting go and enjoying and not being. Oof, they always have to be all the time. They have to be the kind companion, the good parent, the understanding shoulder, the pious believer, the role model, the recipient of patting. Unless they got some liquor. You can tell a human stops pondering existence the moment they have a drink. I am actually kind of wasted while I tell this story. So, if you ever ever come across a human being while, say, you want to feel the warm sands of Debusi beach on Acaparat 5 and smile, say nothing, just nod to whatever they utter and ask them if they are in the mood for a drink.

It was 30.986235 of the Galactic calendar when the ship finally came out of wormhole H60F1nn. Nef and Jo were tired of all the rumbling from the jump. The stupid gravitational wave generator of the wormhole had not been mantained in quite a while, and you could tell. Unless you were a Glazconian, there was a huge chance you end up as nauseated as a flea would after a spin in a dry washer. The ship was on autopilot, so the whole crew decided, why not, to have a go at the bottle of vodka they got at their last stop. It had been a hard mission, and everyone knew Jo would go all existential on their ass. Before he could say anything regarding the last Kierkegaard book he had read and how anxiety did not help but causing more anxiety, especially in this huge, endless universe, someone had already opened the bottle and everyone had a drink and said, Blisk. Blisk was how you said cheers in Glazconian, which was the language of a race who discovered fermented alcohol as means of entertainment before even the most basic of the languages based on grunts came out of their lips.

Jo was sitting by himself at the end of the bar. He was looking at the empty glass in his hand. While he was on Earth, he had the dirtiest, nastiest habit a person could have while holding a bottle of beer: he peeled off the label, leaving crumbs of their boredom or angst as if a hideous Hansel had sat there a minute ago. Nef was reminded once again of how glad she was the Galaxy government had forbidden any single type of paper, plastic or plasma sticker on any kind of bottle cause, why would you do that when glass engraving was so craftingly done you could read the whole Illyad off a bottle of champagne? Without turning around and looking at him through the mirror every bar in the known universe had to have -admit it, only jackass establishments don't have a mirror right behind their bar- Nef asked Jo if he was alright. -You know, I just wanna go home... I feel so stretched out, like if I had been living too many lives instead of one... I, I... I 'm not even sure what I wanna do when I get home, you see? It's just tiredness like when... The Captain, Markees Ellon, ran as fast as it could to Jo and filled his glass. -Drink, boit, drink, cause we are going home and we can have a quiet time relaxing before the next job! Markees wobbled back to the rest of the crew not before hugging Jo and saying Blisk to both him and Nef.

-You know, Jo, we oughta go home, at least for a month. And I don't mean... Like actual home. -We are on our way, so stop pestering me..., said he, smiling. He knew what she meant, and she knew he knew. Of course both did! The kind of bond they had developed these last 5 years while traversing space, being the only 2 of their species they ran into, made them comprehend and care for and read and even love each other like they never could had they stayed on Earth. All those years Nef had grown to love and desire Jo before they left Earth were like child's play compared to what she felt then. She did not lust for him any longer. She had a deeper appreciation for his existence: she understood Jo was just a bunch of atoms put together by happenstance, and that such happenstance was limited, and that some time along the way it would end, and that it was her duty to enjoy that accident in the shape of a red-haired human for as long as possible. All this space travel did not make their lives longer, but by the advantages of the bending of the space-time continuum bending required to create and use wormholes, time to them seemed to go more slowly. Time appeared painfully slow at, well, times. Unless they were together. I mean, time was still slowly painful, yet enjoyable. And I don't mean enjoyable like a comedy film in the background while a dentist drills the shit out of you. It was more like the warm embrace of a good friend when you lose a loved being.

-We are arriving on Acaparat 4 in 5 hours if the next wormhole isn't as busy and as crappy as the last one. I just wanna shower and take a long actual nap, Nef, before we travel to Debusi on 5. Then, when we can forget about hussle work and house chores, then we can talk about going to Earth. Nef, nodded and said nothing. It had been 2 Earth years since Jo last said they would talk about going home. Actual home. They never did. However, Nef still believed him this time.

Of venting and why I should not felt cold

It is August the 17th. I am 45 years of age. And I just froze. At the chance of opportunity. At the atonement from comeuppance. I am socially crippled, I have told myself oh so many time that the best I can is good enough. However... Dreaming might at times be the beginning of what lies ahead, you know, the fuel of being able to alter one's surroundings by life starting to feel as if it were in motion. I was actually dreaming of something similar some days ago while in the shower, feeling the cold water running down my body, while I was smiling, while I was hoping for a tiny bit of hope one of these days, you know, like I was falling off a 25 story building and out of nowhere a giant cushion just popped up and saved me. Like the airbag in a song. Yeah, I have told myself all them last 5 years that I am ready. I might have been, but I will never know. Not until I go down crashing and burning and an utmost, haphazard piece of luck lays eyes on me I dare say something.

Beer is so good at me, I reckon. It softens the blow of being clumsy. It makes singing outloud easier. This brief moment in which I sip it washes it all existential fog away. Yes, I did squat. Yeah, I looked forwards as if nothing was happening. It don't matter. I can dance and keep drinking until the future is a simple tense.

Don't you say you weren't moved... I mean, he saw you. Discretely, but he did. Did you not feel like blushing? Like what happened the other day was not an accident and you looked at each other and wished you were closer and felt a soft tingling in the skin like when the guy you like whispers how they would like to kiss you if you knew who they were and they knew who you were and still being complete strangers since you could not know each other's names and you would think this is not you and how you should not do this cause this is not you... Yet it is exciting, isn't it? The bare feeling of desiring a stranger right then, right there, without pondering if you would ever meet again. Who cares, right? Who the fuck cares when the moment burns every single inch of skin and you can only melt?

I melted. I am still.  


A oscuras

¿Quién dice que el destino
es cosa de cuentos?
¿Quién dice que morir
es cuestión de vivir?
Se detuvieron a observar
el árbol, el árbol rojo,
Se unieron y por supuesto
Jamás de desunieron.

¿Cómo es que eres una voz sólo y a la vez tan tangible? Cual tormenta a la distancia, tanto que no siento su brisa, ni lo terrible de sus truenos. Despierto torpemente siempre, balbuceando que quisiera estuvieses aquí, con lo de la otra noche apenas audible, causando que me funda en tus susurros. Y los días no son días, de aquellos mundanos, porque habitas en esa parte de mí que guarda los resquicios de tu voz. Y los días son días tachados en el calendario como si hubiese un día en el que te pueda volver a conocer. Tú decidiendo que tal vez deberías hablarme, saber qué hago, si llueve porque has dejado tu ropa a la intemperie secándose. Y yo te contesto, te digo sin sentidos, y te pregunto si me darías tu teléfono. Así cruzamos palabras de sol a sol, hasta que la noche se torna imposible.

Entre el silencio de mi casa y el mar que es tu risa decido que quisiera tenerte. Bañarme en tus pechos, perderme en tu sexo. Sentir el cielo oscuro de tu pelo. Temblar al probarte mientras rasgas mi cuerpo. Tu brisa en mi oído. Mi arder hasta desbocarme.

Me levanto a leer lo que he escrito anteriormente. Baladí. Tieso. ¿Por qué me empeño en hacerme creer que todo antes de ti ha sido real? Los fallos en mi memoria me han orillado. Bailaba hasta el hartazgo. Sentábame a escribir lo primero que me cruzaba, pretendiendo que alguien leía por encima de mi hombro. Dulce, parecían decir.

Hoy. Hoy me siento frente al computador a tratar de escribirte. Porque como decía Benedetti, te tengo y no te tengo. Tan tangible en mi pecho. Tan etérea por debajo de las cobijas. Soñé que te besaba y que no. Soñé que te ibas antes que llegaras. Que sonreías sin razón, y me mojabas con tu voz. Y que te cantaba al oído de mi cuarto al tuyo que el cielo está pintado con diez mil lunas.


 Sparks turning into flames...


C'est l'amour


Quisiera recorrer tu piel con las llemas de mis dedos. Quitarte el frío con mis labios. Que el mundo, allá afuera, todo, se detuviera por al menos un segundo. Un segundo parece tan poco, mas se puede extender infinitamente al perderse en los ojos de alguien. No puedo dejar de mirarte ya que siento la caricia de la Luna desde ellos. No puedo dejar de acariciar tu pelo ya que siento el calor del Sol. Me pierdo dentro de ti ahora porque, como dijo Neruda hace algunos años, tú todo lo ocupas. Así, mi piel contra tu piel, mis labios en los tuyos. Así, mi corazón absorto con tu presencia, tu nombre en mis susurros, mi alma fundida con la tuya. Los segundos son cual días, los días cual lustros, y los lustros son el resto de mi vida. Dejo de ser yo, me comprimo hasta ser un átomo minúsculo, y exploto, al final, como si el universo iniciase una vez más. 


 Es la calma de un día cualquiera en el que nadie ha decido hacer algo. No hay vendedores de puerta en puerta o por altavoz, ropavejeros, paleteros de cornetas musicales o mensajeros de políticos buscando convencer a las masas. Los perros del rumbo tal vez estén tan dormidos como los míos, soñando que muerden algo que se han encontrado por ahí. Los vecinos no tienen la loca idea de cambiar todos los cuadros y repisas de sus casas al mismo tiempo, por lo que no taladran o martillan al unísono. Sus hijos podrían estar viendo todos lo mismo. ¿Por qué no? Puede que un canal de esos gratuitos decidió regalar juguetes para todos, por lo que deben estar pegados sin parar mientras alguien de su familia marca frenéticamente el número en pantalla. Baña la calma al parecer, este día. Pensé en poner música, pero, ¿Para qué romper con el humor del día? He terminado de trabajar, así que me levanto a calentar agua en el microondas para una pequeña taza de té. Busco un libro que siempre he querido leer, Nocturnas de Ishiguro, me digo, y acerco al futón el pequeño banco en el que subo los pies. Antes de tomar el libro, antes de dar el primer trago al té verde que me he preparado, cierro los ojos, respiro profundo, y cuando la oscuridad está a punto de cerrarse sobre mí, apareces tú, sonriendo al Sol como el sábado anterior.


 Tomé tu mano en Octubre,

La gente andaba sin parar,

Porque no había nubes,

Vayamos a caminar, decían

Es un día soleado, se decían,

Y así se veía un arcoiris por las calles

Helados, bebidas, el sin parar de automóviles,

Los autobuses y aquella moto abandonada,

En desfile a nuestro alrededor,

Toda hoja de todo árbol en el vaivén de la tarde,

En sincronía con el aletear de aquella mariposa extraviada,

Y tú tan tú desde el principio,

Piel de brisa al mar,

Ojos cual brillo de Otoño,

Hará frío, mas no importa,

Tomé tu mano

Y el infinito existió.


Un sueño

 Y te soñé, te soñé en un campo de magnolias

Leyendo y bebiendo una taza de café,

Y así llenabas todo de luz, cual si fueras un amanecer,

Tus rostro dando vida al valle en el que estabas,

Bañada en mar de blanca espuma de las flores.

Así, llegó la noche, bajaste el libro,

Tomaste la punta de tu pelo con tu mano izquierda,

Y bajo las estrellas, comenzaste a cantar.

Así el cielo, titilante,

Los planetas, orbitando en sincronía,

Orión rozando la piel de Casiopea,

El Almagesto arrullado por tu voz.


 No sé si siempre ha pasado, sin haberlo notado

Mas hoy he escuchado tu nombre tan a cada rato...


 Blanca, Arturo, Paola, Alejandra, Jonathan, Dani and Regina for all the unconditional love.

Javier, Arturo and Mia for being so important.

Yatza and Ruben, Beto and JC, for listening and being the best friends I could have.

Cash, Salish, Jam and Rons for the fucking fun times.

Finnegan and Ella, you magnificent dogs, you.

Moni, Elena, the other Elena, Mikey, Milio, Andrew, Carla, Nefer, C and David for all the shiny moments regardless of how often.

To all those to whom for several reasons I don't talk, for bearing with me for such and such. We may be not anything but strangers now, but, if I think of you for some reason, rest assured you were that important.

To those who tore my heart to pieces. I dearly loved you. I was as imperfect as I am, but, you know, I am as alive as I can be despite the pain.

I have always listed a bunch of people who have brought me happiness in the shape of music, books, movies, et cetera. It was easier in the past. Now, the amount of beauty I have found is so vast that I simply can't.

To all those reading this.

And to you, who despite arriving just now, are on top, just for making me believe once more.



 I 'm looking for the face I had

Before the world was made.

-William Butler Yeats

12 años han sido. 12 años y días. He contado cuántos días, mas no lo pienso decir. No recuerdo el día aquel en el que me senté y tecleé por primera vez algo que me hiciera sentir contento con mis letras. Contento, aunque no satisfecho. Siempre, desde que comencé a ser consciente de mis actos, he pensado, "¿Debería? ¿Debería mover esto, arreglar aquello? ¿Tomarlo todo y botarlo en la basura?" Aquella publicación no fue excepción, ni lo será ésta. No recuerdo detalles de aquel día en el que este sinfín de ideas inconclusas comenzó. Sé la fecha, pero pudo haber sido un martes, o un jueves. Pudo haber sido de tarde o ya la noche pasada por una enésima taza de café o uno de tantos cigarrillos. ¿Llevaba las ropas del trabajo? Tal vez estaba de bermudas a pesar del frío. Cómo si importase. Lo que sé, lo que importa, es que, después de tanto tiempo, después de tantas personas, a pesar de tener el mismo rostro, la misma alma, no soy aquel yo. Ni peor, ni mejor. Aquel es alguien marchito por el tiempo, sumergido en hedonismos, en pretensiones logrables mas imposibles, llevado de la mano por un sueño maltrecho, y a la vez llevando de la mano a un sueño aún más maltrecho. Yo ése queriendo ser sol y estrellas. Y ahora. Ahora no soy más que imprevisible, con un sendero tan dentro que, a pesar de conocerlo, ignoro para dónde irá. Hoy simplemente toco a la puerta de aquella chica para poder preguntarle si quiere cantar conmigo debajo del sol y las estrellas.

¿Habrá alguien para este blog? ¿Volverá la audiencia que algún día aparentemente existió? No lo sé. Esto comenzó como un experimento. Onanismo en pos de vaciarme en algo para poder saciar mi hambre creativa, y para hacer catarsis por mi cuenta. ¿Cuál es el punto de escribir ahora? Ha sido una mañana pesada de trabajo, de gente abusiva y grosera. De un desayuno delicioso, y de un frío en soledad. Me siento tranquilo, mas inseguro. Esto tal vez ya no sea un experimento sólamente, sino un lado de mi vida que me da sosiego. A ratos desagüe para la náusea existencial. En otros pintura de la felicidad que me agota. Y hoy, específicamente hoy, espejo de la persona en la que quiero ella se fije.

No estoy peor que en Septiembre 8 del 2008. No llevo mejores ropas, ni me siento menos solo o más acompañado. Soy, ahora, una conjugación distinta de un hato de hechos a través del tiempo.


I'm so deeply into you that
While I walk down the street
I carry you
Without your knowledge
As a tiny speck of warmth that ricochets all over my body.
we're chained


Es la soledad. Es el exilio auto impuesto después de haber actuado de una manera tan inútil, entregado del todo sin recibir nada a cambio. Oh, así soy, le espeté a mi hermana al escucharla llorar mientras cuestionaba mi actuar. Es mi naturaleza. Bendito idiota, habrá pensado. Es la soledad de dos años en la que cantaba mientras acariciaba a mis perros, mientras bailaba Hercules and Love Affair con un cigarro en la boca. Es el miedo que llevo en el sexo por aquel vacío que acabará tragándome ante mi falta de comunión. Estoy tan roto desde hace tanto tiempo que mi gacho andar es ya lo cotidiano. Ahí va estoico, me gusta pensar se dice a mis espaldas. Tal vez alguien me haga burla y me imite sin que le vea. Tal vez algún niño de la cuadra piense lanzarme una piedra y correr hasta quedarse sin aliento si es que acaso me vuelvo. No importa.

Es la distancia y este jodido aislamiento. Encerrado sin poder ponerle un dedo encima a nadie. Lleno de suspiros sin dueño y de cenas demasiado frías. Tal vez todo pase, y yo pueda ir por unos libros, y tal vez pueda conocer al alguien. Ya saben, rozarle un dedo por accidente, voltear, sonreír cual complice sin crimen, y mirar furtivamente cuál es la reacción. ¿Te gusta el café? ¿Qué tal si interrumpimos nuestra búsqueda y vamos por uno? Y el café se vuelve palabras, y esas palabras se convierten en años, y los años no son nada a tú lado.

Es todo, es todo lo que me acongoja. Es la voz condescendiente de mi padre ladrando que su gobierno por fin hará algo. Es el maldito calor de treinta y dos grados al que no estoy acostumbrado. Es la chica de enfrente que después de tantos putos años no puede mirarme a los ojos cuando me despacha algo en su tienda. Es la falta de agua en mi calle, el continuo trompeteo de los vendedores por las calles mientras trabajo en el teléfono, este deseo sin control por comer pan. Me cuesta tanto sentarme a la orilla de mi cama a sólo respirar. Sin pensamientos o ruidos de por medio. Siendo sin propósito, sin contemplación. Y así se me ha acumulado la vida cotidiana por dentro. Porque no puedo exhalar mis problemas hasta que escapen por la ventana. Porque no puedo caer dormido sin entumecerme con el televisor de fondo.

Y al final, eres tú. Eres tú, con esa piel de cobre en la que ansío perderme. Tú, con tu risa tan a tiempo y tu pasado tan presente. Tú que no debiste haber existido en la misma ciudad que yo. Que no debiste haber volteado a verme, y que debiste haber ignorado mi saludo. Debiste haber atendido a tu propia soledad, haberle llevado al teatro o qué se yo, y yo haber estado en paz en aquella tarde de lluvia en la que todo comenzó.


There is none
There won't
Windows of sugar glass panes
And castles of sand in the playground
Carve the names, then forget them
The radio has naught but 40s and 30s
And I
I be not for a reason
I be not for an answer
Smoke in the autumn
Dancing in house
Puffs of concordance
Of rugged joy and anger
Bass me up
Bass me upbeat
Tempo the bells
And flood my thirst
Till be I an atom

The girl

And I will destroy myself
in an attempt to shine light upon you...

As to there are no ashtrays in this home, I pour remains of cigarettes onto the styrofoam plate from Monday lunch. As to styrofoam would melt to the putting out of my cigarette, I press hard the butts into the cap of a Coca-Cola bottle. I need to sweep and need to mop, I need to go out for groceries. Yet all I do is watch the smoke spiralling up, its whiteness disappearing into the light which leaks in on a sunny Wednesday afternoon. I think there is enough food to feed the pups, at least for today. So there is barely an excuse to actually go out. Out is good, out there is people, out there is food, out I can buy more cigarettes. They take me away from myself, make me dance, singing that I am blind. I am blur of cognition, every speck of remembrance jettisons on the spinning of my body. I miss not what I do not have. I am beat. I am static. I am a whiff of smoke. I feel not what I don't have.

I smoke while I have a bag of corn chips, a pastry and soda. I smoke while I do the dishes and while I shower. I have found no excuse not to do it. So then I simply smoke my days away, addicted to the pleasure of resting my head against the cushions while I inhale deeply. One, two, three, four go by, my arm lazily stretching out to grab a fifth if there is a fifth. And if not, if there isn't a fifth, I simply close my eyes and cough, drained of air, of smoke, and feel how reality slowly catches up. There rains you, tapping the glass panes, leaking through the ceiling. There storms you, furiously in your calm. And I'd go out to drown. I would drown in blue devils. I swear I would do it were I not nailed to this yellow sofa, smoking a cigarette.


Now more than ever
At the ruin of present day
I should have said I was busy
That I was to be elsewhere
That I had no time
Little did I reckon
How far I would have to go
And now, more than ever
I savvy I was to say no.