
The blog entry you are about to read is an attempt to analyse the general circumstance upon which so and so may occur in every day life. The proposition we are to state rests on circumstances a, b, c, d, etc., which by themselves are propositions which rest on their own series of a's, b's, c's, d's, etc. and so on ad infinitum. Such proposition, which we are to call α, is either true or false in accordance to such sort of value of those upon which it rests. The complexity of this system might make it tough to discern whether this set of propositions makes α true or false inasmuch as it barely relies on the amount of said true and false sentences. So, one must keep an accurate and impartial position to be able to assess the weight of each and one of them to determine if as a whole α is true or false. Now, this system of both development and analysis can be applied to any circumstance which exists in real life. I dare make the clarification since those of the realm of dreams, though not as mysterious and mystical as some people claim them to be, rely on different mental phenomena, thus they can only be analysed through a separate scheme which has to do with the mind only, whereas the one I propose considers both the mind and the matter - yet external input is of relevance in the case of dreams, but such situation will be treated in a forthcoming entry. After being able to resolve if α happens to be true or false, one then can factually begin to dilucidate the consequences of such proposition, task we are to mention may be life-taking as to results can fold out endlessly due to causal laws. Obviously enough, what the analyst preoccupies mostly about is the immediate sort of result, for based on those he can attempt to give follow-up to the cause and effect in motion, ergo be able to deduct that which comes after. Before I move on, I believe I have got to clear up a point: what I have brought up is perfectly fit to to how logic brings itself about in life. On several occasions one has heard some comment regarding the lack of logic in some sort of consequence, especially when we deal with people's actions. Nevertheless, what we often confront is a lack of rationality in decision-making because of weak analysis, not faulty or deficient logic in the process of n1, n2, n3, n4, etc. provoking x. Logic, if we are to define it, is based on simple and complex subordinate and correlated propositions, like α, and their rules of interaction and concordance.

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